Skill Set: War

Dec 11, 2015
Editor's Note: Today's feature first appeared in our companion service The Tactical Wire. We believe the words of advice from our expert instructor Tiger McKee are worth sharing with our readers -and their friends.
This installment of Tiger McKee's "Skill Set" contains an important message. Pass the word – and get yourselves ready.
We are at war, against combatants on our own soil. They live and work among us, they don't wear uniforms, and are willing to give their lives in order to kill and injure innocents. The attack can occur at any time, in any location, but especially in "gun-free" zones. Regardless of the reasoning behind their actions the "active-shooter" wants a target rich environment with the least amount of possible resistance. The enemy is here, and we must prepare to defeat them. We will take the first step. Learn the fundamentals of self-defense. If you carry a firearm you must get training – an introduction to the skills necessary – and practice, learning these skills through repetition. There is no substitute for this. Remember there is no substitute for training and practice. This must be taken seriously. Start today. If you put it off you may be one day too late. For those of you who have the ability to carry, do so. The time is past when you can pick and choose when to carry or not. You're either all in or out. You strap your weapon on at the beginning of the day, every day. You carry all the time, even in your home, because personal protection is an individual responsibility. Learn some unarmed skills. There are simple techniques that rely on skill as opposed to strength or force. The best of these are easy to learn, fun to practice and very effective when executed properly. Research and educate yourself on improvised weapons. Being unarmed is a state of mind. There are always weapons at hand. Become politically involved at your local, state and the federal levels. (See NRA-ILA) Work on getting rid of "gun-free" zones. Write letters, contact your representatives, and seek out opportunities to educate others. Approach this struggle armed with facts, and expect a difficult fight because you will be dealing with uninformed people who make decisions based on emotions first. These are not "bad" people; these are your friends, neighbors and co-workers. We're all in this together. Be patient as you present your case. Whenever possible don't go to places that won't allow you to carry. If a business doesn't allow me to carry, to have the ability to protect myself, family and friends, they don't get my money. What about the times when you have to enter a "gun-free" zone where it is against the law to carry your firearm? Be aware or your environment. Talk to your family in advance so you have a basic plan when trouble occurs. Know where the exits are. Play the "what if" game, imagining how you'll provide protection for you and your dependents. Given the choice, we would never choose to live in a time of this type violence. But, times have changed and, while such atrocities still remain rare, they are part of our lives today. What is required of us is a new life style, a warrior's way of awareness and preparedness. There are unimagined benefits to such a way of being. This "way" creates a more effective physical and mental state that makes us more effective in every part of our life. Take nothing for granted. Love those who depend on you. Protect and serve them well. Be the person who is equal and ready for this challenging time. Tiger McKee is director of Shootrite Firearms Academy, located in northern Alabama. He is the author of "The Book of Two Guns" - writes for several firearms/tactical publications, and is featured on GunTalk's DVD, "Fighting With The 1911 - Website: