NIOA Announces Picatinny Arsenal Tenancy

The NIOA Group has taken up a tenancy at Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey as it looks to

strengthen allied supply of critical munitions.

NIOA Group CEO Robert Nioa said the company’s expansion into the United

States Army’s Joint Centre of Excellence for ammunition and weapons demonstrated its

commitment to play a key role in armaments supply to the US Army and its allies.


Picatinny Arsenal has a workforce of more than 6000 military, government and civilian


It includes key organisations such as Joint Program Executive Office Armaments and

Ammunition (JPEO A&A), Project Manager Soldier Lethality and Combat Capability

Development Command Armaments Center (DEVCOM-AC).

The move “inside the wire” at Picatinny signals NIOA’s intent to expand its reach in the US

beyond the recent 100 per cent acquisition earlier this year of Tennessee-based Barrett


Barrett is a key supplier to the US Army and Special Operations Command, with active

contracts for its MK 22 Multi-Role Adaptive Design (MRAD) precision sniper rifle, and the

M107A1 .50cal semi-auto anti-material rifle.

Mr Nioa said the tri-lateral AUKUS security agreement had underscored the growing

importance of trans-Pacific partnerships between Australian defence companies and the


This was highlighted recently by calls from Dr. William LaPlante, United States Under

Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, for greater co-production, co-

development and co-sustainment of weapons with close allies.

“Picatinny Arsenal is a vital US hub for defence innovation and collaboration,” Mr Nioa said.

“This strategic expansion comes at a crucial time and demonstrates NIOA’s long-term

broader objective to strengthen allied defence capabilities.

“By establishing a stronger presence at Picatinny, NIOA hopes to facilitate closer

collaboration with US government agencies to accelerate our contribution to global security.”Ph +61 (0) 7 3621 9999 | Fax +61 (0) 7 3621 9998 | Email

As well as its ownership of Barrett, NIOA has long-standing relationships with American

companies such as General Dynamics, Northrup Grumman and Winchester through their

operation of the Lake City ammunition plant, each of which also have tenancies at


The NIOA Group’s US-based Advisory Board members include a former commander of

Picatinny Arsenal, Brig. Gen. (Ret) Alfred Abramson as well as former US Under Secretary

of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, the Hon. Ellen Lord.

NIOA’s Team at Picatinny includes Doreen Chaplin, who was previously the First Assistant

Program Executive Office Ammunition and Daniel Napolitano, who was previously

Program Manager Combat Ammunition Systems (CAS) Director of International Programs.

About the NIOA Group…

• The NIOA Group includes NIOA Inc [USA], NIOA Australia, NIOA New Zealand, the

Australian Missile Corporation, Barrett Firearms [USA)] and joint venture company

Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions.

• Established in 1973, NIOA is a global firearms, weapons and munitions company

with operations in the USA, Australia and New Zealand and distribution covering

more than 75 US State Department approved countries around the world.

• NIOA is a major tenant at the Australian government owned, contractor operated

(GOCO) munitions facility at Benalla in Victoria where it is currently manufacturing

120mm munitions for the Abrams tank along with 30mm and 35mm cannon


• The company is a joint venture partner with Rheinmetall of Germany in the

Rheinmetall NIOA Munitions 155mm artillery forging facility in Maryborough,

Queensland, delivering key munitions for US allied nations.

Media contact: Scott Thompson 0401 711 374 or