FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2019   ■   MEDIA

Winter's War Released

Breach-Bang-Clear is proud to announce that Winter's War, the third book in the Rushing Winter series, has been released − and that the entire series is now available in print. Penned by longtime Breach-Bang-Clear contributor Aaron Cowan, the new novels description and action sequences reflect the knowledge of someone who is both gun-savvy and tactically proficient.

If you’re looking for a pulp style action shoot-em-up that’s short on exposition and long on dialogue, this isn’t the book for you. If you like getting into the weeds with your gunfightin’, and hate it when a television hero drags his Glock out to the sound of a hammer cocking (or a shotgun slide racking) then you’re in the right place.

Cowan (also the HMFIC of Sage Dynamics) says, “I’ve been writing since I was a kid. My grandfather said you should always have a hobby, and it shouldn’t matter if it makes you money. So I write. Three novels so far, not counting professional writing that does not really fall into the hobby category. I’ll probably never be able to do it for a living, but that’s okay.”

Here's another excerpt.

Julian’s rifle was an FN FAL variant. A more modern version of a rifle that had dozens of variants over it’s well over half a century of service. This one had a Picatinny topped receiver and a Picatinny handguard with a barrel much shorter than the standard 17-21 inches. It looked in the neighborhood of 12”. The stock was a side-folding skeletonized, with a long, metal spike welded to the toe of the stock, angled slightly forward so it could be shouldered without interference. It had a very old model Aimpoint optic mounted, as well as a weapon light that was cutting edge when I was a toddler.

“You know that’s weird, right?” I said, pointing to the spike.

From the book description:

Contending with Colonel Wayne Solomon's Black Unit, an enigmatic priest from Africa, the Russian Mob and Virtua's elite guards, Rushing must fight to understand the personality conflicts, mistrust and an emerging Virtua conspiracy to carry out an attack on US soil to further their goals.

That won't tell you much if you haven't read the first two novels, but how about another excerpt?

Sergeant Card ranged the General at 1,175 meters. Card felt no change in the wind, the temperature was in the high 90’s, not enough to change things. Card felt his pulse, checked his breathing, made a slight elevation adjustment, just .2 Mils up, centered his crosshair on the General and brushed the safety off. Card felt the trigger, waiting for his natural respiratory pause, his prime physiological condition from which to press the trigger. Between heartbeats, just before his body would naturally feel the urge to draw a breath, Card confirmed his point of aim and pressed back on the trigger.

The single stage action broke at 3.3 pounds, the 250 grain Lapua round left the 26-inch barrel traveling at 2,950 feet per second. With over a thousand meters to the General’s upper chest, the round would be in the air for close to three and lose over half of its speed before striking him. Card worked the bolt back, coming off the scope to do it, rammed in a second round and went back on the scope. His first shot followed the arc from the elevated barrel to its natural apogee before dropping 510 inches to its point of impact. The General was hit just right of the center chest while in mid-sentence, falling back into the rear of his BTR as Card fired his second shot. One of the compound guards was crouched down not far from the General behind a pile of bricks, Card’s second shot hit him in the left shoulder…

We're obviously very happy for Aaron's success as a raconteur, and equally proud that he's part of our Tribe. Learn more at the Aaron Cowan author page.

Now, go forth and be a good American.

Think, train and be dangerous.

Breach-Bang-Clear is a candid, irreverent, frequently profane online publication that began as a way for a handful of NCOs from 3 services to blog about the war(s) without drawing the ire of the headshed. Since then it has grown to be one of the most recognizable sources of information, snark, and punditry on the Web (and we added some Navy guys). You'll find articles about everything from the latest optic produced by Primary Arms to discussions about what makes the best Tactical Pen (and if there actually even is such a thing). Breach-Bang-Clear is about American Exceptionalism, civil discourse even in disagreement, capitalism, and encouraging people to be better Americans (and better humans).
