Sig Sauer, USFWS, VT DNR & Outdoor Stewards Hunt Pheasants with NonTypical Outdoorsman TV

If you have taught someone how to hunt, fish, trap or target shoot then you know how great a feeling it is to help someone acquire a new skill. Mentors know that there are not many better sights than seeing a first-timer turn around and smile at them after they have hit their first bullseye, caught their first fish, trapped their first animal or harvested their first game.

Research has shown that there are millions of Americans that want to get off the fence and into the field and try their hand a hunting and / or target shooting. Many of these folks come from racially diverse backgrounds and are eagerly awaiting an invitation to learn a new skill. They want to be marketed to and see folks that look like themselves in advertisements and on outdoor television shows.

Armed with this knowledge, Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) partnered with N.onT.ypical Outdoorsman TV, which identifies itself as ‘The most diverse outdoor show on the planet!’, to recruit new folks and showcase diversity in the outdoors. The team filmed six episodes of the show with each episode highlighting recruitment of diverse participants from within outdoor industry manufacturers and wildlife agencies.

The latest episode, a pheasant hunt in Vermont, features first-time hunters from Sig Sauer, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Lots of fun, pheasants and smiles in this episode that can be viewed at

Eric Morris, Producer and Host of N.onT.ypical Outdoorsman TV (N.T.O TV), said that “It is great to see industry and wildlife agencies get together to expand participation in the outdoors through recruitment of people that are racially diverse.” For more than a decade Eric has proven that there is high interest among women and people of color to get started in the outdoors, and promoting racial diversity is a proven way to increase overall participation in activities like hunting, fishing, trapping and target shooting.

Sig Sauer’s CMO and EVP of Commercial Sales, Tom Taylor, notes; “We enjoy providing these opportunities to our staff here at Sig. It is great to hear the stories from the first-time participants when they get back to the office and we encourage current Sig customers to invite someone new to come with them to the woods or shooting range this season.”

To view this, and other episodes visit:


Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation (OSCF) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that works with all facets of the outdoor industry to use research-based communications and engagement programs that help recruit the next generation of HATS (Hunters, Anglers, Trappers and Shooters) and promote the fact that HATS are primary funders and stewards of conservation in America. To learn more about OSCF programs; “Fill A Bag While Filling Your Tag”, “Come With!”, “Connecting with Conservation” and the “Outdoor Industry Communication Council”, please visit or contact Jim Curcuruto at (203) 450-7202 or

N.onT.ypical Outdoorsman TV (N.T.O TV)

N.onT.ypical Outdoorsman TV was launched in March of 2019 as a result of not seeing any racial diversity depicted on the hundreds of hunting shows that were airing on television. From the very beginning the goal was to create “The most diverse outdoor television show on the planet!”, and Eric has done that. Learn more at

Conservation partner links: Sig Sauer, USFWS WSRP, Vermont DNR

Funding for this project is provided by the Multistate Conservation Grant Program (F23AP003940), a program supported with funds from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program and jointly managed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.