ATA Accepting Fred Bear Communications Award Nominees

New Ulm, Minn. - Nominations are being accepted through April 30 for the POMA/ATA Fred Bear Archery & Bowhunting Communicator of the Year award. The award honors the journalist who best demonstrates the vision and commitment Bear exemplified in promoting archery and bowhunting throughout his legendary 50-year career.

The online nomination form is available on the Professional Outdoor Media Association's (POMA) Web site, click here. Past award winners are Jim Dougherty and Dwight Schuh. Dougherty received the award in 2007, while Schuh was recently named the Fred Bear Communicator of the Year at the 2010 ATA Trade Show. The award is not given every year, but only when there is a deserving candidate.

"We want this award to not only honor each recipient, but also serve as a living tribute to a man who worked tirelessly for a half-century to promote bowhunting to a nation of firearms hunters," said Jay McAninch, Archery Trade Association president/CEO. "As Bear Archery's long time media man, Dick Lattimer, related to us, Fred used all media forms to demonstrate the fun and effectiveness of modern archery equipment. Whether it was radio, TV, movies, magazines or books, Fred used every possible avenue to make archery and bowhunting visible and accessible to the public. We can't think of anyone more suited to inspire today's outdoor communicators to follow his extraordinary efforts and accomplishments. Our industry is forever indebted to Fred Bear for setting such high standards for quality, excellence and devotion to telling the world about the arrow sports."

The award is a joint effort by POMA and the ATA to honor communicators who understand that Fred Bear's work on behalf of archery and bowhunting remains critical to the sports' future. The recipient will be named and honored each year during a ceremony at the ATA Trade Show.

"This is neither a popularity contest nor a lifetime achievement award," said Laurie Lee Dovey, executive director of POMA. "The award is meant to honor active journalists whose media work in archery and bowhunting captures Fred Bear's ideals and commitment to these sports. We want to recognize those who use their journalistic talents to promote, defend and share the excitement of archery and bowhunting.

"It doesn't matter if the person is a veteran communicator or fresh out of college. POMA and ATA will consider each nominee's accomplishments on their merits, and honor those whose efforts on behalf of archery and bowhunting stand above the crowd."

Nominees need not be ATA or POMA members, but they must demonstrate extraordinary achievements in communicating the rich heritage and experience of archery and bowhunting. Only one nomination form is needed for each nominee. Those receiving multiple nominations receive no more consideration than journalists receiving one nomination.

The recipient will be decided by a panel of POMA and ATA members.


About POMA: The Professional Outdoor Media Association is a group of individual communicators and Corporate Partners who believe in, defend, support and promote the heritage of hunting, fishing, shooting, trapping and traditional outdoor sports through writing, photography and other means. By doing so, members hope to educate the general public about these sports and encourage more participation in them. The organization serves the membership by helping members grow professionally, improve their skills, better their working environments and enhance their businesses.