Shooting Illustrated Offers "The Ultimate Headache Cure" From Patrick Kelley has the ultimate headache cure, courtesy of "TacTricks with Patrick Kelley." While previous videos have demonstrated his superior skills with a variety of firearms, the latest installment may be the most incredible yet. This month's amazing feat of marksmanship has Kelley smashing an aspirin pill at 21 feet using a 1911 in a video you won't want to miss-"Pat's Pain."

"'Pat's Pain' was a pain!" Kelley said. "Just setting up for that shot was difficult. Between getting the sights adjusted 'just so' to having enough light on my sights to be able to place that Hornady 185-grain XTP bullet precisely on center took extreme effort-because anything less than the perfect removal of the aspirin from the wood dowel was not acceptable." is updated daily and features videos, articles and blogs tailored to the defensive-minded citizen. For more information, visit or call Editor-in-Chief Guy Sagi at (703) 267-1375. Look for Shooting Illustrated, The Definitive Source for the Modern Shooter, at a newsstand near you, or subscribe by calling (877) 223-3840.