Outdoor Wire Presents the Armed Defense Special Edition

Formerly known as the Concealed Carry Special Edition, Outdoor Wire's new all-wire effort is called "Armed Defense." Going beyond concealed carry – and going beyond firearms into non-lethal self-defense devices – content will include aspects of home defense, issues of the aftermath of force encounters and new products – information that can drive traffic to physical storefront locations and to online sellers, as well as to ranges and trainers.

The Armed Defense Special Edition is on schedule for broadcast on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2017 – the morning of the NASGW Annual Expo's opening.

A "New Products" Section will be featured in addition to writing from some of the best subject matter experts available covering information critical to anyone concerned about self-protection.

We have a feature on non-lethal tools from Chuck Haggard, home defense application of the AR-carbine from Tiger McKee, on staging to prevent home defense tragedies by Claude Werner – and more.

Readers will be seeing some of the best original content available about the burgeoning lawful concealed carry/armed defense market and will be looking for products and services – your products and services. Have something available for them to see in one of our largest opt-in mass-mailings of the year.

To advertise or get coverage of your new products, contact - -

Jim Shepherd, Publisher
(205) 243-3393

Rich Grassi, Editor