Skill Set: Simply Rugged Holsters

Jul 15, 2022

Today's feature is from our companion service, The Tactical Wire.

At my age, “surprises” are usually unpleasant. “Official” looking envelopes in the mail, the truck’s fuel pump failing a long way from home or a phone call from a relative you haven’t heard from in a long while. But, every so often there’s a “good” surprise. Simply Rugged Holsters, operated by Rob Leahy, is my pleasant surprise.

Simply Rugged officially began production in 2004 out of the family’s Alaskan kitchen. (Which means with full support from a very understanding wife.) Rob was having trouble finding the “ideal” holster for his S&W N frame revolver so, he decided to sew his own. The results were well received, and continued to evolve. Today, after several expansions and a move to Arizona, Simply Rugged operates out of a 1600 square foot facility with several employees.

I’ve heard about Simply Rugged from lots of shooters; a ‘net search reveals numerous, impressive reviews from reliable sources. Until recently I hadn’t had the pleasure of owning any. Then, one day Editor Rich mentioned he had received a holster for me from Rob. A few days later, “Surprise!” -- The new leather arrived.

In addition to holsters, Rob produces a variety of leather gear including pouches, belts and slings, knife sheaths and gear for long-guns, too. The full grain cowhide leather for these products comes from Hermann Oak Leather, which was founded in 1881 and continues to provide fine-quality leather.

Simply Rugged holsters and their other products are built right. They’re also versatile. Their standard pancake holster can be worn on the belt. Their I.W.B. straps convert it to inside the waistband carry. The “Chesty Puller Suspension System” transforms the holster into a chest-rig.

Rob also offers revolver gear, including pouches for carrying speedloaders and moon clips. Along with the revolver holster Rob sent another “surprise,” a “2x6” pouch. This belt pouch has three compartments that hold two rounds per space - my favorite way to carry extra ammunition.

There are lots of concealment holsters that are easy to hide but aren’t really constructed for rough-duty use. Many field holsters are too thick, big and bulky to easily conceal. Rob’s holsters are slim enough for carry in an urban environment, yet retain and protect the pistol enough for field work. This is especially true with the optional hammer strap, which is removable. “In other words,” their website states, “… you can fall off your horse, out of a canoe, or just stumble in the brush and the pistol will stay in place.”

Simply Rugged also offers a variety of ways to personalize your leather. You can order alligator, shark, ostrich and other hides. They offer stamping and carving in several different styles. In other words, the only limit is one’s budget.

For most shooters the search for the “ideal” holster is a life-long process. No matter how happy you are with the current rig used, you’re always looking for something better. And, there’s no one holster that will do everything needed. But, if you’re looking for versatility and quality with plenty of style, check out Rob’s gear at Simply Rugged Holsters. I think you’ll be pleased.

Tiger McKee is director of Shootrite Firearms Academy. He is the author of The Book of Two Guns, AR-15 Skills and Drills, has a regular column in American Handgunner and makes some cool knives and custom revolvers. Visit Shootrite’s Facebook page for other details.