FRIDAY, MAY 31, 2019   ■   AMMUNITION <

ENVIRON-Metal, Inc. Announces HEVI-Hammer

Let’s say you’re frustrated by performance of your steel shotshell, particularly with wounding birds, and you’re willing to pay a few dollars more for something better. You are our HEVI-Hammer® hunter.

HEVI-Hammer™ – new for 2019 – offers these features and benefits:

·15% of the shotshell charge is high density bismuth pellets layered over steel pellets; the same design used in the high-performance HEVI-Metal® Longer Range shell

·The bismuth pellets are the same size as the underlying steel pellets. At 1500 fps, using our shotshell design standard of 2.35 ft-lbs. of energy at impact to ensure lethality, here’s how the lethal yardage of the bismuth pellets compares to the steel pellets:

Shot Size Steel Pellets Bismuth Pellets Bismuth Advantage

2 64 yards 88 yards 38%

3 53 yards 73 yards 38%

4 42 yards 59 yards 41%

·Meticulously layering the bismuth over the steel, while technically challenging, provides the tightest patterns and the most effective shot string length.

·Additional features:

o A thicker base wad, which surprisingly enough, turns out to be a key factor in reliable functioning of semi-automatic shotguns. HEVI-Shot ® discovered this relationship by analyzing customer data for tens of millions of shotshells.

o Higher speeds, 1500 fps for all 12-ga loads, which we have achieved for a decade with custom, clean-burning propellants

o A new, higher brisance primer that improves cold weather performance by boosting the ignition force so that the propellant reaches pressure more reliably.

o Steel pellets are treated with dry film lubricants for superior resistance to corrosion

o Bismuth pellets cast in our own foundry alongside our tungsten alloys.

To summarize, when you chamber a new HEVI-Hammer™ shotshell, you will experience:

·More lethality at longer range than you can get with steel alone

·Fewer wounded birds

·More reliable gun function in semi-automatic shotguns

·Improved cold weather performance

·Higher density performance with just a small step-up in price from HEVI-Steel® shells

Established in 2000, Environ-Metal, Inc.®, based out of Sweet Home, OR, are the makers of HEVI-Shot®, HEVI-Metal®, HEVI-X®, HEVI-Steel®, HEVI-Snow™, and HEVI-Duty® buck shot, HEVI-Duty® centerfire ammunition and bullets.

For more information contact:

Michael Narus, VP of Sales and Marketing